Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Evaluation part 2: Institutions and Technologies

An institution that I think might distributeis the Internatuional Publishing Company because they sell music magazines that are very similar to mine in design and in the genre of music they talk about, the music magazines that they own are NME and Guitar and Bass. I also think that my product would be good if it was distributed by this company because it's market force is the largest magazine distributor in the UK which means that my magazine will be seen more and more by the public. But unlike their othe rmagazines my product offers a more rebelious rock that will focus on teens that like to be in to rebelious music and are about not listening to rules as I feel that this audience is rejected by alot of big magazine companies so I think my product really focuses on this audience and really relates to this audience that has bben rejected for so long.


From this experience I have learnt how important the technologies are for their jobs and how big of an influence they have on your final product;
The camera is one of the most important technologies used when making a music magazine like I used a olympus digital camera to take my pictures so that I could get pictures of reasonably good quality. Also when taking your pictures there are alot of things you have to take in to consideration like; is the lighting right, what pose should my model be in, is the models clothing right, is the background right etc.

Computers are the most important piece of technology that you use when making a music magazine because all of your work is put together on the computer to actually make your magazine. You use the programmes on the computer to create your front cover, contents page etc. But also your computer is vital towards your internet research so that you have any idea what a real magazine looks like and how your magazine could be improved.

Photoshop is one of the most important technologies use dwhen making your magazine because this is the programme where you actually put your magazine together where you can add your photos and text to create your very own magazine. It also allows you to edit your photos so if the photo doesn't look quite right then you can edit it until you think it looks better for example you can desaturate the clour, stretch the photo, crop it down and do loads of other things to make the photo to your liking.
This means that photoshop is also the most difficult technology to use because it takes time to learn how to use the different tools to edit your photos but with a little help and time to get used to it you can edit the photos however you like.

Publisher is quite an important technology because a lot of the text you do for your magazine like the double page spread because it allows you to edit the format of the text so that it can look like a real music magazines double page spread. However if you want to edit the photos then you have to use photoshop to do that.

Internet Research
Internet research is one of the most vital parts of your magazine because you firstly need to look at all the details of real music magazines and then incorporate them details in to your magazine like making the masthead the biggest text on your front cover, the correct front cover rmodel photo etc. The internet research is also really important to look at how the format of the magazine is set out and how could you improve your magazine by using ideas of magazines that you have found in your research.

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